Smoking Effect on the Mouth & Teeth: How to Kick the Habit

The best reason most of the smokers come up to justify their smoking habit is that all their problems are blown away as soon as they start exhaling. It is far from reality and just a belief as it is one of the habits that drains your money and ruins your health and kills you slowly and gradually. Smoking causes lots of damage to the body as a whole, including your mouth and teeth . The process of the smoking incepts from the mouth and involvement of the teeth during the process is indispensable. Still the problems persisting in these body parts are the last to receive attention from any smoker. People are aware that smoking is dangerous to health, but most of them are unaware that it is their dental health that suffers most because of the habit. Smoking has countless effects on the mouth and teeth of smokers. Its effects can be reversed, but for that, you have to kick the habit, an...