Common Oral Health Concerns In Seniors


Taking care of oral health properly is important for people of any age. Generally, seniors neglect to take care of their oral health due to lack of health coverage, other health issues or lack of understanding regarding oral health. Tooth loss is one of the most common dental issues in seniors. You can get the best dental implant clinic in Delhi like Dr. Bhutani Dental Clinic to treat your tooth loss. Some of the most common oral health concerns in seniors are as follows.

Dry mouth

It involves a lack of saliva secretion inside the mouth. It creates issues for eating, talking, chewing, and swallowing. Most of the seniors depend on medicines for diseases such as high cholesterol, depression, high blood pressure, anxiety, and so on. This type of medication can initiate the issues for dry mouth. Sometimes chemotherapy, radiation or head and neck injuries can cause dry mouth. The dry mouth develops the risk for decaying of the tooth or tooth cavity which can be treated by RCT (root canal therapy). You can get high-standard and advanced technology-based single sitting RCT at Dr. Bhutani Dental Clinic in Delhi.

Gum diseases

It can cause due to improper oral hygienic conditions. The deposition of plaque along the gumline can initiate gum infection. You can get relief from mild gum infection by the following brushing and flossing your teeth properly. Severe gum infection can be the cause of loosening teeth and even tooth loss. Treatment of dental implants is the right solution for tooth loss. You can choose the most famous dental implant clinic in India like Dr. Bhutani Dental Clinic in Delhi. They maintain an international standard to provide dental treatment.

Oral cancer

Sometimes, people neglect toothache, gum infection or decaying of the tooth for a long period of time. Then, these dental issues may turn oral cancer. It is very important to maintain regular dental check-ups for avoiding severe dental issues.


Improper oral care or your negligence of the tooth cavity can lead to severe toothache. RCT can be the best solution to get relief from toothache due to a tooth cavity or damaged tooth. The root canal cost in India is reasonable. By choosing the right dental clinic, you can get effective treatment and proper guidelines for your dental issues.

The above-mentioned information may help seniors to prevent dental issues or get solutions for their dental issues.

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